Every time you get stressed out, your body suffers
The connection between body and mind is strong and it shouldn`t be ignored. Your feelings do matter to your body. This is what happens when you get stressed out :(
The brain releases a specific quantity of hormones in predictable time periods. A stress reaction triggers the brain to inadequately release hormones in different quantities as it is used to. Therefore, your hormones get crazy and start traveling all over the body through blood vessels.
The ´hormone craze` traveling all over your body hinders the normal functions that are key for your body to work properly and as you need to.
Different hormones can affect the performance of different organs and glands, nevertheless Cortisol is the hormone causing the greatest impact inside your body.
Most common effects of hormonal irregularities are cycle variations as it affects woman`s reproductive system. It can also trigger sexual dysfunction in males even though it is not very common. Moreover, you are likely to feel tired and cold as it affects the thyroid gland.
The cortisol hormone directly affects fat cells leading to weight gain and break outs, bones get weaker and you are likely to get sick more often as it weakens your immune system.
Body dysfunction lead by Cortisol and general hormonal unbalance has an ultimate effect on cardiovascular conditions. The weakening of the immune system causes disfunction and inflammation in the Endothelium which is the inner layer of the blood vessels in which blood flows. ( yes, blood vessel have three different layers)
You might be wondering how could this happen, Cortisol is the main problem, as said before is the main character. Cortisol is in charge of destroying proteins (as the ones in your muscles), increasing glucose levels (leading to insulin resistance and thus diabetes) and as mentioned before, (and believe me I`m making an effort to say this all over again so you don`t forget) mobilizing fat acids, increasing your chances to gain weight.
Normal quantities of Cortisol are necessary for a healthy body so it shouldn`t be taged as evil. However, expelled in abnormal concentrations is damaging for the body. Remember this all starts in the brain by a reaction that you can control.
So let me ask you... is it worth it?
However, there is another side of stress. Have you heard stories about people being able to move cars on their own, painless soldiers during battle and climbers amputating their own arm (yes, the movie)?
Well, They are true.
Besides Cortisol, when you are in a life-death situation, the brain releases other type of hormones called Noradrenaline and two Cannabinoids types such as 2AG and anandamide. They are brain made painkillers in order to give you time to run or ask for help before pain is noticed when you are injured.
Just think when you were a kid and trying to learn how to bike for the first time, the moment you fell off the bike, even when you got injured and there was a scratch on your knee, you didnt notice the pain right away, actually you took up sometime to understand what did just happen and be able to reach out to your mom and dad, afterward youll feel you are actually scratched and feel soared.
As if it was not enough, it decreases inflammatory response and increases euphoria
Your body is ready to survive and there is no doubt superheroes exists... they are made of people just like you.
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Hay una fuerte conexión mente-cuerpo que no puede ser ignorada. Tus sentimientos son importantes para tu cuerpo.
Entonces, esto es lo que sucede cuando te estresas :(
Primero, son tus hormonas las que se despelotan. Tu cerebro esta encargado de liberar muchas de estas, y sí lo hace, pero de forma inadecuada.
Tu sistema reproductivo no funciona bien, puedes tener irregularidades en tu ciclo
Tu tiroides sufre, por lo que te sientes cansada y con frío
Te engordas por el movimiento de los ácidos grasos, y te llenas de acné en el rostro
Tus huesos se vuelven más débiles
Tu sistema inmune no funciona bien, por lo que te enfermas mucho más fácil
Y, después de todo esto, el endotelio que es la capa de células más al interior de tus vasos sanguíneos experimenta cambios que llevan a su disfunción e inflamación. Causando enfermedades cardiovasculares.
¿Por qué? el cortisol es el problema principal. Esta hormona está encargada de destruir proteínas (como de las que están hechos tus músculos) y de incrementar la glucosa (lo que puede llevar a resistencia a la insulina y diabetes). También, moviliza las grasas y te deja todo deforme.
Esta hormona es muy importante para un cuerpo sano, pero puede ser muy dañino cuando es excretada en cantidades anormales por la glándula suprarenal (ordenes desde el cerebro que tu controlas) cuando te estresas.
¿Vale la pena?
Sin embargo, hay otra cara del estrés. ¿Has escuchado historias de personas moviendo carros, soldados sin dolor en batalla y escaladores que amputan su propio brazo?
Son reales.
Además del cortisol, cuando estas en una situación de vida o muerte, el cerebro libera otro tipo de hormonas:
Cannabinoides: 2AG y anandamida
¿Qué hacen?
Un efecto analgésico para que tengas tiempo de escapar del peligro, incluso si ya estas herido.
¿Y qué más?
Disminuyen la respuesta inflamatoria e incrementan la euforia
Tu cuerpo esta listo para sobrevivir y los superhéroes existen... tú.
Molina, Patricia E.. "Integración endocrina del equilibrio energético y electrolítico." Fisiología médica. Un enfoque por aparatos y sistemas Eds. Hershel Raff, and Michael Levitzky. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2013
"Neurotransmisión somatosensitiva: tacto, dolor y temperatura." Ganong. Fisiología médica, 25e Eds. Kim E. Barrett, et al. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill