There is a big nerve in your nose waiting for odors

In the upper part of your nose there are neurons that projects into the nasal cavity. They wait for odors to get there and then, catch them.

After catching odor (the chemicals in them actually) they proceed to translate what they’ve encountered into brain language (electrical stimuli). So there are smelling cells in our noses but to actually smell we need them to translate what is in our nose to our brain, other wise we would never smell even if the smelling cells are alright. 

Have you ever wondered about the characteristic odor of peppermint and menthol? Those are unique. They result from another kind of neurons that normally starts sneezing, so those weird odors arrive to you because another kind of neurons are transporting them! So yes, they’re unique since how they were created.

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En la parte superior de tu nariz hay neuronas que se proyectan hacia la cavidad nasal. Están ahí esperando que los olores lleguen ¡para atraparlos!

Después de atraparlos (a los químicos que hay realmente) proceden a traducir lo que se encontraron al lenguaje que el cerebro entiende: estímulos eléctricos. Así que tienes células que huelen en tu nariz, pero necesitamos que sean capaces de traducir estos olores para tu cerebro, porque si no lo hacen nunca podrás oler lo que ellas encontraron, incluso si estuvieran ahí, no puedes oler a menos de que la información sí llegue a tu cerebro.
